
Definition of Body Language

Nonverbal signs not only portray their feelings but often show how the emotion comes out .

Nonverbal communication is an important part of human interaction .

You can sort of said interaction includes multiple forms of nonverbal communication - the exchange of information and meaning through the state faces , gestures and body movements - is . Sometimes nonverbal communication ' Body language ' is called , which is misleading because it specifically to remove these nonverbal cues , reinforce or extend what is said to be the word we use. Levon Alexander , a psychologist at the point it says: " When a man learns to interpret language, posture , no word as it is not clear . "

Research has shown that placement of the hands and feet during a conversation tells us something about the different individual base . When I speak with people who base their Payyntrnd or less power , hands , and legs are calmer and easier . But when I speak with people from a higher base, so they pose drier and Dadhtr cane is swallowed . While the situation easier for the body that is slightly inclined towards the other person , represents love and friendship.

A man can not not communicate . He has decided to continue the dialogue , but it is impossible to be able to stop their behavior . A person's behavior - states face, gestures, body condition and other actions - an uninterrupted flow of information and stable source of the emotions that he is experiencing symptoms . Only a small part of understandings that humans face interaction leads to the result words .

Other aspects of nonverbal communication modes include portrait happiness, sadness, surprise, fear , anger and hatred and global public mood and the interpretation are the same everywhere . An important aspect of nonverbal communication through facial expression of emotion .

In fact, the state faces , gestures and body positions permanently transfer to complete words and meanings when actually saying something is not being used . The real face of cases usually disappear after four or five seconds and smiling or expressing surprise that takes longer , it could be indicative of deception .

For example, it takes a lot of surprised faces , may be used as an ironic imitation .

Figures can be found in a broader sense because it faces a huge role in the performance and understanding of our opponent . In daily life , we usually give much attention to maintaining or preserving the dignity of each show .

Our everyday life is not so spontaneous ago . We all know the expression , we interact with others facial expressions, body movements precisely the situation we are continuously controlled .

This can affect the success rate is the fate of all nations . Skillful diplomacy can resolve strained relations between nations and prevent war .

and a cinch to evacuate the room or the like .

Relationships primarily through nonverbal behaviors towards people feeling they are transmitted . When people are a considerable distance from each other , their bodies tense and placed facing each other or avoid eye contact .

Since nonverbal behavior , emotion transfer are the main tools for understanding the most important things that we share with others , are extremely important . There are times when each of us has something to hide our emotions in a way that is appropriate to apply .

This is sometimes manipulative tendencies are hidden in our unconscious mind , and we do not even attempt to cover- knowledgeable . But likewise, any of us who have learned to control body language . We consciously or unconsciously , we are trying to update Hyjanhayy through nonverbal behaviors are passed on to controls .

For example, when a topic is extremely important to us , may be high shoulders with a look of indifference, deceptive or fraudulent concealment may take their anger with a smile . Since nonverbal communication makes up a large part of interpersonal communication .

The interpretation of body language is one of the most important skills in effective listening . Nonverbal elements of communication, especially in understanding the other person 's feelings is important . People often try to hide their feelings through nonverbal behaviors are controlled by the holder of this work , in contrast to the secrecy , are often less successful . Sometimes it is possible that body language is very clear and sometimes it may seem very hard to decipher .

If the listener is able to understand the body language of the sender to properly reflect the relationship greatly improves