
Effective Presentations

Been highly effective managers , active and energetic as they were unable to make their actions by stating loud and eloquent design for audiences who did not have success in their work .
How important point that a manager must have an effective speech, and speech is not secret . Speech , language and your speech can work wonders. A director can be an effective speech to supporters into opponents even more heart and agrees to Msmmtr along .
Speech and expression is a notion that can somehow help to advance the goals and program managers .have had little success .
However, language , speech and speech -given gift of a greater chance of discussing it briefly and human needs with this great feature of this weapon , can be critical in areas of life, his work, life support systems transformation cause.
Solve speech and spoke briefly mentioned some of the things we say about the effectiveness of a speech .
Speech and speech features
1 - possibly based on logic and scientific basis ;
2 - rather than on the emotions of love and not hatred ;
3 - passive and not split over anger ;
4 - cut , cut, cut, and not understand ;
5 - to please this or that or the enemy who do not like the language ;
6 - frivolous , reckless and rude not scattered ;
7 - Implications sake of God and His good pleasure ;
8 - Clear, straightforward , simple and unadorned , yet strong , lasting and comprehensive barrier ;
9 - lifeless, dull , and not an upside .
Characteristics of an effective speech
Before anything else , to be effective , it must precede a speech about it is well managed . For example :
1 - time presentation :
A) is in the morning ( the hour ) ;
B ) is the era ( how ) ;
C - the beginning of the week or the weekend ;
D ) or Ghyrttyl holiday ;
E) When the days are warm or cold ;
And ) is a special occasion .
And ...
2 - Venue address :
A) in terms of distance and geographical location and availability of participants ;
B ) The Light - Sound - Air Conditioning and ...
C ) green space and trees and the dense traffic or noise and ...
D ) the capacity and extent of the work ;
E) place special guests ;
E) Parking and traffic ;
G ) water fountains and bathrooms ;
C ) the possibility of communication ( fax - internet - telephone , etc.) ;
A ) decor and layout tools .
3 - Speaker:
A) It is well known , is popular ;
B ) have a special status in society is ;
C ) Which part of the group is a party ;
D ) family origin and service records ;
E) the center has received their degrees ;
F) Who are his supporters and fans ;
G ) What are desirable characteristics and personality .
4 - Organizations :
A) What are the intention and purpose ;
B ) organization or a specific center or to be held by the NGO ;
C ) work as well as receiving an invitation and have planned ;
D ) the safety , health and protection are taken into account ;
E) coherent and harmonious ;
And ) have prepared the necessary information brochures and fact sheets .
5 - Participants ( audience ) :
A) certain segments of society ;
B) The individual or family is invited ;
C ) are for entertainment and academic use ;
D ) special programs for children and children's entertainment is provided ;
E) services are provided to them for commuting ;
And ) are aware of the content and purpose of presentation .
Characteristics of an effective speech

Bringing tangible examples , practical and everyday phrases , poems , proverbs famous, charming memories , past experiences , scientific findings and the occasional lecture space can soften up your work is boring and tedious .

Any movement of the audience may have supervised their every move is followed by the message . For example, if you look at your watch or on their high chairs are constantly moving or doing similar things , probably means that
A) have been exhausted ;
B ) Venue not suitable for breathing air ;
C ) You have talked of appointment ;
D ) Entries do not have to accept other attractions .
The lectures are energetic and dynamic . Indeed, the spirit of vitality and joy to give to the audience and make them inclined to be with you until the end .
Occasionally you can tone your voice up, down and notice them so you always have with you .
As microphones that can effect the quality of your work is good, as it can be annoying and Azytknndh . Be careful microphone .
Deployment and use of hand and power of art is very important in understanding and transfer content . Your clothes cover and the presentation is ineffective . Clothes faded , wrinkles and uneven , improper shoes , hair and face any factors that could have affected your work .
Sometimes one of the slides , overhead , PowerPoint (POWER POINT), poetry, short stories and audio-visual equipment can be used to move material , plus the charts, Quantify ( Statistics ) of blackboard ( whiteboard ) is also helping There are stories to be documented .
Joe and lecture sessions as well as evaluate your condition . If you feel that listeners do not have the capacity to avoid droll humor and professionalism .
It is always possible some debris or abnormal speech in parliament exist , they must be able to manage on the situation Nryznd together .
To receive feedback from his speech at the end , address, email address , or telephone Express yourself up to reflect your strengths and weaknesses . At the beginning of his speech to present a concise biography that makes you believe you more .
Finally, in a few lines of an abstract subject and content of the lecture topics.
Science, psychology , sociology , anthropology try to take advantage of better presentation .
Raising their little idols and not see others humiliated . Public opinion , judge and referee 's remarks and materials are good .
No amount of words and sentences are expressed in a hurry and hasten the fetlock may be even more disturbing and wrong , so speak slowly and with confidence .
Beaming faces , respect and courtesy and respect for human dignity , of support and understanding Klamhay pleasant mood , emotions and aspirations of the audience are important points that should not be ignored .