
Customer obsessed product selection

Mina Movahedian Attar - Student Master of Business Administration , University of Science and Research

Factors that affect the customer 's product obsessed , visual elements such as graphics, colors, sizes and product image and information elements included product information and technology.

Keywords: cognitive complexity , product, customer, customer mental complexity , the complexity of mental

Introduction :

Mental complexity ongoing commitment to customer product according to the thoughts, feelings and behavior class A product.

Complexity ill depends Influences product environmental .

Such interest may view the product class customer than the product class , with a value corresponding increase . Obsessed obsessed with buying a product is different . Shopping conflict could be related procurement activities on an individual basis . On the other hand , conflicts are understood as the product of a reflection on the product category . For example , a person might buy such high involvement product category or brand car buying process , such as low involvement products do, because the customer 's brand loyalty . This two- part feature being the high involvement and low involvement can assist the customer when buying a character recognition (Slama and Tashchian, 1985).

In addition, the complexity of the product of subjective decision-making process is important , also affects the complexity of the client's mind .

Rethinking fundamental ways that companies are increasing their production and their ideas to market (Chesbrough, 2003). Because of the long period of research and development is costly

Are (Thomke and Von Hipple, 2002).

 The complexity of managing ill client has been praised in many cases means that the feedback loop between consumption and production cycle closes (Foxall, 1989). Most of this can be seen as point sources of consumer information and knowledge (Rothwell et al, 1974).

Complexity of the client's mind , can enhance the effectiveness of the product . (Brown and Eisenhard, 1995).

Researchers believe the roles of customer , such as resources , manufacturers, buyers , consumers , play products (Nambisan, 2002).

The client 's role as a resource means that customers are sources of innovation , and researchers believe that customers are a source of ideas for new products . The customer's perception of the product (Rothwell, 1976).

 By a number of theorists , the use of language in general , study and discussion , especially as a means of creating and transmitting knowledge is (Lundkrist, 2003 b).

Italian clothing company Diesel , for example, has designed a website to enhance customer surveys (Sawhney and Prandelli, 2000).

 Factors affecting the level of mental conflict :

Buyers , the data are consistent information that affect product selection . Them , selectively, accept packages information on specific products or brands are competitive . Advertising The most effective response to the information request of buyers.