
Understanding the customer

The results showed that 2 of the difference between vision and perception of service quality is there.

The primary difference is that a small difference is called the level enjoyed by more consumers are trying to show their loyalty to the goods and services provided . The difference is in the delivery of customer loyalty are different .

One of the important aspects of marketing strategy and marketing process is taking radical steps , television advertising , which is part of the promotion step .

Finally, some recommendations for improving the effectiveness of advertising and Rahkarmly the scope of services to be provided .


Many advertising and marketing professionals seeking efficient and effective planning in order to advertise their goods and services .

Most think this is wrong , yet the customer, the goods or services purchased , there is no need to follow him , and it is this force is spent finding new clients .

Based on consumer evaluation of the product purchased ( after purchasing behavior ) is important from the perspective adept marketers .

Juran : Without customers there would be no organization .

Also today's competitive world , and service all commercial entities seeking to achieve greater market share , are using every trick to achieve their goals . It seems that everything is an effort to attract more customers in achieving the organization 's greater share of the market is more successful .

The assessment Shopping

The final stage in the process of consumer purchasing behavior after purchase. During this time, assesses consumer purchase .

If goods or services to meet consumer expectations , he is satisfied with the purchase , but if it does not meet your expectations , he will be satisfied with your purchase .

When purchasing a product which require high mental conflict or the people is very important or extremely high price of the purchased goods , buying a doubts as frequently consumers . These doubts, dissonance after purchase (Post Purchase Cognitive Dissonance) is called .

After purchasing behavior of consumers purchased the brand with other brands they have purchased , are compared .than advertised , and in this situation may be a concern .

The decision to purchase goods and services in these three categories can be better examined by the following factors :

▪ Consumer involvement ,

▪ Since the cost of a good or service ,

▪ The amount of data collected and the number of options (Williams L. Wilke, 2000).

For this reason, there is great competition in the service . We refer to the following :

• Low entry in an industry low technical threshold and fixed investment , compared with manufacturing industry is shown .

• Easy duplication of : Products , services and other implementation easily copied by competitors Myshvdv is sent to Bazarkh homogeneous and unique .

• Key manufacturing industry during the production stage , providing services usually needs more profits . Stages of change , particularly in marketing and service are adhered to according Znjyrarzsh .

Fierce competitive nature to continue providing services to improve service quality and a little gap between the expected value and customer perceptions of service quality can be established.

According to previous research done on the quality of service and the behavior after buying the following in common:

• Quality of Service and concept models on the characteristics and composition are Abadtmrkz (Parasuraman et al, 1988).

The concept of expected value :

With the intensifying competition and the growing trend of globalization, the role of the customer and the consumer , the consumer multiple roles , including :

Working on production lines

Cooperation in making

Cooperate in creating value

Cooperation in Development

And other benefits that are altered in situations involving the customer is more important than ever .

Expected value of a customer is a weapon in attracting and keeping customers and one of the most important factors in successful manufacturing business providing services.

Many authors have acknowledged problems with customer expectations . (Piercy, morgan, 1997, woodraff, 1997).