
Easy to sell

Summary : production without selling the junk ! A little cruel , but all the producers who produced their warehouse over time are puzzled and a little bored and believe this statement . For sale should be made ​​into a new area which produces entirely different. Below are the key points of interest and will sell

49 Easy Tips to sell

One . Marketing and sales process as a seedling growth is slow and regular . As we do not have a blitz of sales . Slight chance of exceptions and sales process Sales Unless account .

Two . Properties of the product to the customer is not important but what is important to get products from them explain. The customer does not buy from the brand when buying a TV entertainment, comfort , prestige and buys .

Three . Sure the customer is wiser than you are , then do not play a role as well . Wisely and look down on the sale of the sale or the failure of last sale.

4 . The knowledge and information to the customer happens soon and just answer her questions .

5 . , In the case of sales, do not try to close the deal in the first meeting . The next meetings will deal firmly logical because more opportunities for customers to assess their needs and overcome the taskbar. Meeting to hear the demands and customer requirements Assign .

6 . Define new applications for their products , this means preventing or reducing the high cost of changing the production line .

7 . Methods of sales for different products not see differences intelligently varies the formulation and selection of pay method . The advantage of the strength or safety of a toy kitchen with a dish different.

8 . Process the sale agreement does not fight to win , you just get out of it . Sides triumphed It means Sell stable .

9 . Mastered the fine art of listening . The first requirement is to listen intelligently and managed properly sell . Impatiently waiting for the arrival Nvbttan splendid and charming speech about the capabilities of your product or not .

10. Answer in advance , do not try to give potential customers an even better answer should be subject to further investigation . Kndzhny and do not pretend ignorance of course .

11 . Every job is pest . The sales drop haste and pride. The first success for contract and rush of pride .

12 . Unlike others I recommend to you the customer to trust you and rely on you to keep the course where the subtle differences that you fear .

13 . Sale is enjoyable and once you taste the joy of purchasing your taste Rakhvahyd be joyful . If this process continues .

14 . Senior sales and modern methods are questioned and criticized traditional bazaar of young and educated are but one and the first letter of the alphabet sale is customer satisfaction .

15 . The leader in sales and market leading method in which you do not imitate , do not imitate . However, while a complete success because you are a follower you want to buy you a follower ?

16. The successful sale of prohibited perfidious selected with the previous study and time management to deliver an order or completing projects that have been undertaken for the history of direct advertising and you figure will. Do not miss this opportunity .

17. Products do not present perfect because it really is not. It seeks to explain the relative differences and possible changes in product performance pay.

Thus the value of the first session said that you have to show respect .

19. The mass sales person does not have the ability to meet financial figures alone do not give criteria for recognizing the needs of the market . Surveys , anonymous information to evaluate the process of selling and as a means to keep pace with market needs and can use .

20. The difference between needs and wants is very elegant. It wisely and do not forget to identify needs, but are also willing to lend Crane asked if the cost of luxury that needs to be resolved is applicable .

21. The definition fits the demands and properly convert it into a product to meet their needs .

22. The proposed 23 Do not be surprised fault because everything starts easier and is the responsibility of everyone .

23. Failure to agree in advance a little bigger than Ybjvyyhay Be safe and sincerely Try to eliminate those defects . While this method has attracted the sympathy of the audience along with him have made ​​.

24. The same goes for you : Do not lower yourself to believe that honesty and integrity .

25 . The propagation of notifications for product quality , excellent . . . Do not talk . Instead, a feature that occurs in very different as you remain in the minds .

26. Differences remain rather Honors minds . While it is preferable to be in violation , but the differences are not.

28. , If you want a successful and growing business, your brand and market leader , you should market your athlete or a runner . Other names in mind acknowledged.

29. , If you want to be a market leader in the discipline ( specialty or service ) to be first .

30. The first rank to all others who have taken the first place where you can suggest a new topic is yours .

31. The first being the provision of any product or service without financial backing to start because money is not the only possible spread of a new idea in the market. Whatever your talents for the promotion and expansion needs money .

32 . The first being to select a suitable and acceptable to the market and being first does not lead to success .

33 . The motto " the customer is always right " you have heard , please believe it . Because ventured in this market we have chosen to purchase .

34 . Pursuant to proposed 35 I remind vindicating the debate and in any event wrong is irreparable and sales negotiations means the end of everything .

36 . Manipulate minds banned : If you left out a word or trademark for a particular product , do not use that word for different products . Different disciplines ask different names and marks .

37 . Specialized expertise to produce and sell. Do not wrench it just turns to pain, touch and eat Pyshpa disabled . When you're trying to be helpful for anyone Nmykhvryd pain eventually .

38 . The public should know what your specific skills and experience to intelligently select and introduce you to people .

39 . The waves and the mods do not rely on seasonal sales Vhrajy ... choice is not someone who wants to stay . Do not undermine your credibility with the procedures of this kind .

41 . Looking to establish your selling process . If the waves of life is one month , six months to a year longer life planning is the process of selling five to 10 years .

42 . Too hard to take yourself . Not increase with straining and grieving sale . Work is proceeding in peace and serenity can be achieved in the absence of additional efforts .

[43]. Distinction between activity and action to understand . The timely action when needed , but is not active when you select the action in the turbulent sea of ​​hands and feet, not saying the market , immersion (float ) will be .

44 . The lack of critical sections and the extra energy to keep snapshot .

45 . The staff director for the customers to be the leader .

46 . Simply do not score even when you turn the predetermined points in return for what you have done .

47 . The sales and marketing managed to have a serious need for creativity . , And creativity at the same time , just see and hear intelligent comfort .

48 . The perfidious If for any reason you do not resort to lying .