
Six reasons you should strengthen your body language

When you 're at school or work , Dan teaches us how to better use the words . Learn how to use words and language that we want to influence . Learn a series of clever words to seize the initiative and make a subtle connection . It was great that we found Drkhvahym bit further steps to improve communication of relieved . It is a little strange ...

One . Only 7 percent of communication make ... words .

Sdatvn rest of it ( 38 % ) and body language, tone ( 55 % ). It is based on research by Albert Mehrabian , Professor Emeritus of the UCLA study.the communication is considered.

Two . Add to its charm .

No matter what you say , the important thing is how you express what you want to say .be.

Three . You feel attached to your body language .

The emotions are upside down . If you feel good Znyn smile . If you push yourself and bring a smile to bounce around , then you will feel good . If you feel tired and lethargic and sleepy Varfth if you can respond . If you are lethargic and flabby sitting in the corner you will feel tired and negativity .

4 . Reduce your mixed messages .

one thing to say.

5 . Please upgrade your skills to communicate with others

If your body language Btvnyn Then you can fix the thoughts that are going on in Mghztvn easier way to express . You can easily create a bridge with others .

6 . The first impression is the best kind of influence .

The best thing is to remember the initial impact , even if you 're not willing to do . All of us have a mental picture of that first impression a new person created in his image in our minds that we lost to our memories . The image you will be remembered . With art you can use body language to convey to others a better mental picture