
Body Language : hand ( from the wrist to the fingertips )

Loss is :

An outstretched hand and then his hands are positioned in a way that placed her hand up and down his palm , trying to Tvfq and excellence . This type of loss is used most often in positions of political and diplomatic .

Very tough loss :

Represents the passion and dominance . You undoubtedly know who commands here .

Loss of relaxing :

A person who has just extended his fingers or hands are like fish Shell says not want to touch me , I do not like intimacy . Also it's a sign of weakness , subjection and subordination and submission as well.

Loss of both hands :

When the left hand is used for the include and cover a compressed hands , shaking hands like a glove called truth and sincerity will make such a hug too small and delicate.

Moving Finger

Impact of slow , steady rhythm strum or finger play , implying that impatience and intolerance . It is a symbolic gesture getaway . Action fingers do the walking while the body is in motion .

Hidden category :

This gesture is mysterious and water Kahane . Fred says Nmybashm willing to talk with you .

Hands on knees :

When the palms upward , the person is open and receptive . When palms are low, it may be among the feet of deception and aggression .

Minaret fingers :

Like when someone is hoping to hear the answer . As a buffer to protect the chest, face and mouth down .

Fist covered with open hands :

In this case the person is angry but trying to stay calm . So-called self control . , But be careful because it is possible for any person to be a minor cause them to lose control .

Throwing Hand :

A person who wants to impose his beliefs may be forced to throw their hands up towards the listener . Milder aggressive mode , only the fingers are used.

Clasp hands behind:

This is an arrogant gesture . Especially when the person is leaning back . She says: I 'm so over you rule that I do not need to defend myself .

Playing with a wedding ring :

The sign of nervousness and shows that there is a problem . At the same time , especially when the person is talking about his wife .

Restless Shake Hands:

This is the body's attempt to escape . Hormone adrenaline is secreted , but the person does not know how to get rid of . Experimentation go with the shirt sleeves or jewelry on the wrist to the other and says: Do you need to pay attention . But this practice is permitted in bars and business meetings can be distracting and cause a distraction .

Handling, tie:

This masculine behavior, said I 'd leave a good impression of myself . It is a method that will tell you severely , " is trying to make Khvshnvdtan .

Knock the hair is :

When people do not know what to say sometimes kill their hands through the hair .