
Laughter artificial or real?

How to recognize genuine smile of artificial laughter ? Paul Ekman and Wallace Friesen doctor doctor on this page , they will quote high system called the Facial Action Coding System , or FACS were established through which the facial muscles feel better about their analysis .
In addition to real laughter muscles of the mouth of the cotyledon up killing the eyes of the Chinese manner.
Although the simplest and most natural smile face , but it is possible to induce a lot of meanings .this will enable smiles are not one hundred percent preventable .
If anyone smile on the face than when it is appropriate to maintain the position , then you are sure you deliver an artificial smile .
Smile more than four seconds left is usually considered to be artificial .

Real smiles and felt spontaneous activity of the two muscles are the main results . One of the major anterior muscles , the muscles , the lip corners to sit up and take to the species . Another genuine smiles are usually active muscles , the muscles around the mouth and cheeks , and boosts the skin from the inside of the eye socket , I will gather .
Darwin was the first to discover the main anterior muscle activity , manifested in actual operating experience of positive emotion and laughter is normal , and the latest scientific research based on the same principle as that of Darwin , is stable.

Analyzed artificial and fake smiles when we smile we find Hmhjht are fictitious . Nyshkhndh not associated with any emotion , though it may be a very big smile and are very interested Lbkhndznndgan you believe the authenticity of their smile . But it will never be able to fool the experts . Although a very subtle smile, synthetic imitation of a real smile , but are usually used to hide negative emotions .
Artificial smiles could be seen on the faces of those politicians who lose the election .
See also when people just assume you are happy, smiles artificial atmosphere. Frvshndhhayy seek to sell their wares to the customers home (but good traders ) artificial smiles are flawless . What is missing in all these smiles , warmth and genuine happiness which is easily visible in the figure . Those jobs will require actors to hide negative emotions , usually displaying a smile that do not feel they are proficient . Despite these very real smile smile different and does not convey the same meaning .
Artificial smiles seen in the muscles around the mouth, around the eyes, sedentary . No one is able to smile with any amount of exercise , the movements of the muscles completely unrealistic to demonstrate. It seems that the muscles around the mouth are controlled by the brain , and only when there is a real and genuine emotion , are activated . If you want to make someone smile enough originality to her mouth , but the eyes do not look at this example. If unruffled around the eyes, dead eyes and empty state of the life assured , you are seeing a artificial smile